ಮಂಗಳವಾರ, ಫೆಬ್ರವರಿ 16, 2010


寝台特急(しんだいとっきゅう) limited express train with sleeping berths

廃止(はいし) discontinue

JR(ジェイアール) Japan Railways

各社(かくしゃ) each company

ダイヤ  train schedule

改正(かいせい) revision

登場(とうじょう) appear

新型(しんがた) new type

客車(きゃくしゃ) passenger car

導入され(どうにゅうされ) be introduced

初めて(はじめて) for the first time

全室(ぜんしつ) all rooms

冷暖房(れいだんぼう) air-conditioning

完備の(かんびの) fully equipped

個室寝台(こしつしんだい) roomette

連結し(れんけつし) attach

食堂車(しょくどうしゃ) dining car

備えて(そなえて) equip

走る(はしる) run

最近(さいきん) recently

新幹線(しんかんせん) Shinkansen; bullet train

飛行機(ひこうき) airplane

押されて(おされて) be overwhelmed

乗車率(じょうしゃりつ) percentage of


減少し(げんしょうし) decrease

ここ数年(すうねん) past several years

約(やく) about

上り列車(のぼりれっしゃ) train going to Tokyo

首都圏(しゅとけん) Tokyo and its vicinity

乗り入れる(のりいれる) enter into

朝(あさ) morning

ラッシュ時(ラッシュじ) rush hour

重なり(かさなり) be at the same time

遅れた(おくれた) got delayed

場合(ばあい) case

通勤電車(つうきんでんしゃ) commuter train

過密(かみつ) congested

影響する(えいきょうする) affect

考えられて(かんがえられて) be considered




Remove the Welcome Mat for Rude Smokers

The Japanese expression me no yariba ni komaru, which translates as “having trouble deciding where to turn one’s gaze,” is used when one encounters an awkward or embarrassing scene and has to avert one’s eyes. Replace “me” (eye) with “te” (hand), and you have a situation describing a clumsy actor who doesn’t know what to do with his or her hands. I recall hearing from a stage director once that with such actors or actresses, the easiest solution is to get them to have a smoke.

In our daily lives, we all have moments when we feel fidgety. For smokers, that’s when they reach for a cigarette, even during a meal. It appears that some get fidgety the moment they put down their chopsticks. I’ve had more than one meal ruined by people smoking up a storm at a nearby table.

Restaurants today have become the most common setting for nonsmoker’s exposure to secondhand smoke. According to a survey by pharmaceutical company Pfizer Japan Inc., about 90 percent of nonsmokers have had unpleasant experiences in restaurants.And not only that, nearly half the smokers surveyed said they have been irked by someone else’s tobacco smoke.

It would be ideal if other smokers learned from these unpleasant experiences that nonsmokers were forced to endure. However, there is a limit to appealing to their sense of decency. It is reasonable for restaurants to set aside smoking tables as an exception rather than to take smoking for granted and designate nonsmoking tables as an exception. If it is difficult to ban smoking entirely, I would at least like restaurants to reverse their thinking.

Novelist Hitomi Yamaguchi (1926- 1995), who loved to drink, pitied nondrinkers and wrote, “I have the feeling they are living only half their lives.” I am sure smokers have something to say for themselves, too. But there is no denying the health hazards of secondhand smoke. It is fruitless for anyone to glorify smoking when that very habit can shorten other people’s lives.

According to the Japan Society for Tobacco Control, Japan ranks among the worst in the developed world in taking measures against secondhand smoke. If all one can do is pray that some dud actor who doesn’t know what to do with his hands won’t sit nearby in a restaurant, eating out becomes a gamble.


 喫煙(active smoking) に対して、喫煙者が吐き出す煙を吸い込むのが受動喫煙で、passive smoke やsecondhand smoke と呼ばれる。最近ではthirdhand smoke という新語も現れた。こちらは部屋の壁や、タクシー内、服などに付着したたばこの煙の残留物(tobacco smoke residuum=やに) が及ぼす健康被害のこと。lung cancer(肺ガン)、cardiovascular disease(心疾患)、stroke(脳梗塞<こうそく>)など、煙害による健康への悪影響は計り知れない。


大根役者(clumsy actor) clumsy は「不器用な、動作がぎこちない」の意味。特に過剰な演技をする「大根役者」を口語でham actor と言う。ham はhamfat (ハムのあぶら身)に由来し、かつて黒人に扮した白人俳優たちがハムステーキのあぶら身を使って黒いメークを落としていたという説がある。また、ham it up は、ウケをねらっておおげさな演技をすることで、俳優に限らず、He likes to ham it up in front of the class.(彼はクラスのみんなの前で目立つことをするのが好きだ)のように使う。

たばこ(a smoke) 「煙」のsmoke は不可算名詞だが、冠詞がつくと「たばこ」やたばこなどの「一服」の意味になる。Let’s go out for a smoke. は「一服しに外へ出よう」で、Do you have a smoke?(たばこは持っていますか)は、しばしば異性に声をかけるときの口実として使われ、映画のシーンなどでも見かける表現。

無聊をかこつ(feel fidgety) 簡単な英語では... when we have time on our hands と表現できる。time on one’s hands =「時間を持て余して」。fidgety は「落ち着きのない」の意味の形容詞で、動詞がfidget。退屈以外にも、不安などで「そわそわ、もじもじする」の意味がある。例えば、面接試験に来た人がネクタイをいじくり落ち着かない様子を、The interviewee was fidgeting with his tie and seemed ill at ease. と表現できる。

一度や二度ではない(more...one) more than one は1を含まず、それ以上の数を表すので日本語では「二度以上」になる。つまり「more than+数」を厳密に訳す場合は、数が1つ増えることになる(more than three people=4人以上)。We’ve been married for more than 30 years. でも、厳密には30年ちょうどは含まない。more than one の和訳には「二度以上」よりも「一度や二度ではない」とする方がしっくりする場合が多いことも覚えておこう。

他山の石(learned...experiences) 「参考にすべき、他人のよくない言動」(大辞林)の意味で、lesson learned from someone’s failure のことを指し、悪い例に限られる点に注意。英語にはobject lesson(教訓や戒めとなる実例)という表現があり、The former minister’s poor handling of the economic crisis served as an object lesson for his successor.(前大臣の経済危機への対処の悪さは、彼の後任にとって他山の石になった)のように使う。本文の英訳にもIt would be ideal if other smokers gained object lessons out of these unpleasant experiences ... のように使える。

モラル(sense of decency) 社会通念上の「きちんとした良識」と訳している。decent は「ちゃんとした」の英訳に使える単語で、You must always keep yourself decent. なら、「いつもちゃんとした身なりをしておきなさい」の意味。また、ホテルに泊まっている友人の部屋をノックして、“Are you decent?” と尋ねることがある。これは「下着やパジャマ姿ではないですね?」という含みを込めて「ドアを開けていいですか?」の意味で使われる。個人の品行や道徳という場合に使う「モラル」は英語ではmorals と複数になるので注意。単数形のmoral は「教訓」の意味。

全面禁煙(ban...entirely) impose blanket ban on smoking と訳すこともできる。blanket(毛布)には形容詞で「一切例外のない、一律の」の意味があり、blanket wage raise(一律の昇給)、blanket bombing(じゅうたん爆撃)のように使われる。

隠れもない(there...denying) there is no ~ing はIt is impossible~やWe cannot ~と同義で「~することはできない」の意味で、動名詞を使った慣用表現のひとつ。英訳は「~を否定することは不可能だ」の意味。

JAPAN HERITAGE Mount Fuji: If you don't love it, you're not Japanese

The highest peak in Japan and a symbol of the nation, Mount Fuji has for generations adorned calendars, souvenirs and nearly every conceivable bit of Japanese memorabilia. It has inspired a great range of art from ukiyo-e woodblock prints and Western-style oils to wall paintings at public bath houses, literary works, photography and song.

The mere sight of the mountain triggers nostalgia in many Japanese. For some, it borders on the divine, a mountain worthy of worship. Others see it simply as a great place to do a bit of mountain climbing. The 3,776-meter peak is the result of violent volcanic activities that began around 100,000 years ago. It settled down to its familiar cone shape about 10,000 years ago. Still, it is a relatively young volcano, having last erupted in 1707.

Mount Fuji is more than your mundane mountain. Hot lava flowing down created a vast, otherworldly area at the foot of the peak now covered with dense vegetation.

When the fiery lava hit and incinerated the trees, it created a huge number of lava molds. There are so many of these molds, possibly the highest concentration in the world, the area has been designated a precious natural monument by the government.

The vast expanse of deep vegetation that eventually overgrew parts of the lava field is called Aokigahara. A mystical region, it is flush with wild birds, animals and strange stories.

Indeed, Aokigahara has a dark, scary side. Some people go in and are never seen again. Many have ended their lives here, believing their bodies would never be found in the thick foliage.

For the brave, there is a hiking course that will bring visitors safely through the eerie woods-as long as they stay on the trail.

There are also the Five Fuji Lakes-Yamanakako, Kawaguchiko, Saiko, Shojiko and Motosuko-near the foot of the mountain. All are popular with tourists, offering beautiful views, fishing and skating.

From Tokyo, take JR Chuo Line express trains at Tokyo Station or Shinjuku Station to Otsuki Station, which takes about 90 minutes. Then change to Fujikyu Line and get off at Kawaguchiko Station, from which bus services are available to the 5th Station of Mount Fuji during spring through fall seasons. Highway bus services are available from Shinjuku Station to the 5th Station. From Osaka, take the Shinkansen to Mishima Station and then take a bus to Kawaguchiko Station. The official climbing season for Mount Fuji is July and August, during which a safety guidance center is set up at the 6th Station. Visit (www.city.fujiyoshida.yamanashi.jp) and (fujisan.ne.jp).



「キャタピラー」公式上映 ベルリン映画祭






公式上映 (こうしきじょうえい) : official screening

若松孝二 (わかまつこうじ) : wakamatsu kouji

監督 (かんとく) : supervision, control

作品 (さくひん) : Performance

会場 (かいじょう) : Grounds, meeting place

主演 (しゅえん) : starring, Playing the leading part

大西信満さん (おおにしのぶみつさん) : Mr.Oonishi Nobumitsu (Name)

大戦 (たいせん) : Great war

戦線 (せんせん) : (war) Front

四肢 (しし) : extremities, Limbs

失う (うしなう) : To lose

帰還兵 (きかんへい) : Return soldier

愚かさ (おろかさ) (N) : Foolishness, Stupid

訴える (うったえる) : To appeal to, to sue(person)

会見 (かいけん) : Audience, interview

正義 (せいぎ) : Justice, correct meaning

意図 (いと) : Intention, aim, design

過去 (かこ) : Past

怒り (いかり) :Anger, hatred

製作 (せいさく) : Manufacture, Production

動機 (どうき) : Motive, incentive

金熊賞 (かなぐましょう) : Kanaguma award

競う (きそう) : To emulate, to compete with

同作 (どうさく) : The film

唯一 (ゆいいつ) : unique, sole, only

半数 (はんすう) : half the number

業界紙 (ぎょうかいし) : Trade journal

批評 (ひひょう): crticism, commentary, review

星取表 【ほしとりひょう】: chart used to keep track of sumo wrestler's records during the tournament